How to find the ultimate IR35 Software Developer

July 31, 2021
IR35 Software Developer

Many people have been looking for a change recently. For some that change has taken the form of a new home. Finding a new home is an exciting experience but one that requires careful attention, you wouldn't let just anyone build your new home right? The same principles can be applied to finding an IR35 Software Developer. So what should you look for in an IR35 Software Developer? Read on to find out.

How to find a professional IR35 Software Developer

Software Development Experience

Experience is a key facet of a professional IR35 Software Developer. When conducting your search look beyond the basics such as a good client portfolio and a solid number of years programming experience. Yes, those things are important but, as we've learned from experience, remaining compliant with IR35 legislation means having a business model that can be adapted and when necessary. A good software developer should be able to adapt their software to your specific business needs both now and in the future.

In a nutshell, your chosen IR35 software developer should have:

  • A proven track record of quality software development
  • An indepth understanding of IR35 and it's impact on your business
  • The ability to adapt their software to your needs

Ongoing Software Support

It's important that an IR35 Software Developer has a well established business that will be around to offer ongoing support if needed. It's wise to find out early on what support package your IR35 Software Developer is offering.

Ask questions such as;

  • What does your after sales support package include?
  • How long will you offer support for?
  • Are their any additional costs attached to your support package?
  • Can other providers offer support it your aren't available?
  • How quickly will you be able to offer support?


We recommend approaching your chosen IR35 Software Developer for a free trial of their software before making a final decision. There are plenty of things to weigh up when choosing a new home, taking your time to think things through and test out your options will increase the chances of you finding your perfect home. When it comes to the choosing someone to provide IR35 Software Development for your business the same principles apply. Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.


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